December 2022 update


What's on the way:

Shipments from Hauler, Black Dog - restock and a few new items. Including more Gas Hans T-34 tracks.

Shipment from GasoLine - new items and restock. Please note that several items that some of you are waiting for remain back-ordered. We try to order everything from the notification list, so if you don't get one, this is why.

New Tamiya kit:

Next release from Tamiya, kit number 32604, will be 1/48 US 75mm Howitzer Motor Carriage M8. Official ETA is January, with a small chance of late December.

Year-end inventory:

Store will be closed briefly around December 31 - January 1 for maintenance and inventory count.

Letter-mail shipping:

Just a quick reminder that letter-mail is a cheaper shipping option for certain items (decals, flat photoetch). More info on the shipping details page.

RB Model:

After a long absence, RB Model is - supposedly - back in action. We will hopefully be able to start re-stocking their barrels etc. again.